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Columbus legacy

Columbus legacy: If you recall the first things you have ever learned about American history, the one that jumped out was that Columbus sailed the blue ocean and discovered America was 1492. While the date is correct, we later learned when our history studies became more scientific that there was some disputes about whether Columbus discovered America at all. So what is the real legacy this Columbus legend gave to American culture that has made him such a respected figure in cultural history?
Columbus legacy
Columbus legacy

So many of Columbus's stories are expected, at the first commentary, we will almost downplay the story of how Columbus discovered America to the level of myths bordering the worship of superheroes. But Columbus is not a myth. There really was an explorer named Columbus who made three brave trips across the ocean and during that trip, he did find a "new world." His ships were actually named Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria and he did indeed start one of three trips in 1492.

The legacy of Columbus is more than just the fact of its exploration journey and its results. There is reason to believe that the "American discovery" told by Columbus did not occur on North American soil but rather farther south than here, somewhere in the Bahamas. But Columbus's legacy lies in his passion and the challenges he took that were part of the American spirit and which we identified were very strong.

Part of the legend is that Columbus embarked on this journey for a new world despite the prevailing "scientific" belief that the world was flat. Now research in recent times has given rise to sufficient documentation to show that sailors at that time never believed the teaching. Their extensive knowledge of navigation and astronomy, which is essential for any successful sea voyage, is enough for seamen to know that the earth is round and that they will never "fall off the edge." However, pictures of brave people are launched out to the sea, contrary to popular opinion, to find something new and interesting so that it is connected with the spirit of American discovery and adventure so that this myth survives as part of Columbus's legacy.

Americans do have a feeling of extraordinary discovery and adventure and a deep need to conquer new lands, to reach beyond their own reach and to do the impossible. This is the spirit of the Manifest Destiny which gripped the nation long before there was reason to believe that a small group of invaders had the resources to resolve a large nation. Americans always have a strong belief in themselves and a core belief that they can do the impossible. Part of the American spirit is what connects to Columbus who embarked on a brave mission facing certain dangers so he can also find new land and have great adventures.

Columbus's legacy also lies in America's desire to explore. Although the citation source only shows science fiction, the "mission" of the fictional space ship "The Enterprise" encapsulates a deep desire in the heart of all Americans.

Space, the last frontier. This is the journey of the Starship Company. Its mission for five years: exploring a strange new world. To seek new life and new civilization. Go bravely to a place that has never been visited by humans before.

For Americans, the James Kirk mission is a perfect restatement of the mission of Christopher Columbus. And it is the American mission that has pushed this country and its citizens to find and achieve achievements that have never been done before. Columbus's passion for all Americans is what makes this country great.

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