Care about Your Heart
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Care about Your Heart |
Cardiovascular disease is one of the biggest causes of death in the world. The heart is a vital organ in the human body where when the organ is getting a problem no matter how small will have an impact on the health of the body. Heart indeed needs to be guarded in their health and also avoid the various problems that can lead to heart ache. Maintain and keep the heart to stay healthy had to be done. Actually, there are many easy ways to how to maintain heart health and how to take care to stay healthy, strong and normal as usual.
When the heart is healthy and strong, then the function of the heart can and will work normally as usual. But if the heart is already having problems then it will be difficult to prevent or even cured. Because the heart is experiencing this problem will not function and work normally so that the other organs in the body also would have been quite influential in terms of performance.
By looking at the importance of having a healthy heart, knowing how to keep the heart healthy to be an important thing to do. Steaklovers certainly also want to have a healthy heart is not it? Here are some effective tips to keep the heart healthy:
1. Rest and sleep well
Maintain your health by sleeping enough quality so your heart is indeed true can be normal and not too hard to work with. Because some studies have shown that the sleep staying up too late, this can damage the heart and the heart can not work normally.
2. Do exercise regularly, 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week
Many people do not understand the importance of exercise for health when exercise can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Exercise also can help control weight in order to remain ideal so that the heart can work more fair and efficient. Sports that do not have to sport a heavy importance can be run regularly and precisely, such as take 30 minutes per day for 5 days a week.
3. Manage your stress well
Various problems dizzying mind can affect the health of your heart. Try to take the time to entertain yourself like watching a television program that contains a comedy that will make you laugh out loud. You can also make themselves available for a vacation or an excursion to somewhere fun. So it can refresh mind also very good impact on heart health and lower stress levels.
4. Eat healthy foods such as multiply the intake of vegetables and fruit
Another thing that is also very important to be done in maintaining a healthy heart is to get used to eating healthy foods such as low cholesterol, low salt, and low in fat. Additionally, add vegetables and fruits in the daily diet is also important to do. By eating fruits and vegetables will also help you in maintaining the health of your body and your heart. Consumption of fruit and vegetables is very good because it can prevent the occurrence of other diseases. Eat fruits and vegetables that contain lots of vitamins needed heart like spinach and avocado.
5. Reduce consumption of fatty foods and artificial sweeteners excessive SCARA
Do not go overboard in consuming foods that contain artificial sweeteners and fat. Consumption may just do not over. So if you want to consume foods containing fats pleasure that may be just as long as not excessive and balance it with healthy food that is appropriate for the health and needs of the heart.
6. Reduce even avoid smoking habit
For some people smoke may have become a necessity. If you want to have a healthy heart, you should be able to reduce the smoking habit even if you can stop it.
7. Stay away and avoid alcohol
You should also reduce or even do not drink beverages containing alcohol. This is because alcohol can damage your heart muscle.
8. Conduct periodic health examination of heart
Some people may be less aware of the need for a medical examination because they feel do not feel any complaints. However, with a visit to a medical examination of this case to determine the health condition of the heart in good shape and healthy.
Allianz Insurance Tapro have been equipped with critical illness protection benefits CI100
Even though you have done all of the above to keep your heart healthy, but you still must memilikia Tapro insurer Allianz completed the protection of critical illness benefits CI100. The reason is very simple, because the risk of critical illness was not only come from the heart alone. Heart disease is just one example of critical illness A critical illness while it was still very much starting from cancer (all types of cancer), kidney failure, coma, stroke, and many more who could not mention here.
By having insurance Tapro Allianz, you are assured that if the risk of critical illness comes over your life, at least the substantial funds (ranging from hundreds of millions to billions of rupiah) has been provided by Allianz for you and ready to be released at any time when you critical illness. Outstanding right. And more great again lah premium is also very cheap.