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Know AXA Insurance Products

Know AXA Insurance Products
Know AXA Insurance Products
AXA is a group of companies operating in the field of life insurance, health, and others. AXA Group, one of the insurance companies and asset management world. AXA operates with a focus on life insurance, general insurance and asset management

AXA's vision is to become the preferred company for our employees, customers, shareholders and the community distributor. And its own mission is to help customers live a quiet life to protect them, their families and their property against risks, and by managing their savings and assets.

AXA in Indonesia is part of the AXA Group, one of the insurance companies and asset management in the world, with 161,000 employees serve over 103 million customers in 59 countries. AXA operates with a focus on life insurance, general insurance and asset management through multi-distribution lines, namely bancassurance, agency, brokerage, digital, telemarketing and corporate solution.

AXA has some insurance products that will provide a solution for your problem (individuals) and also solutions for businesses (companies and employees):

1. Personal Insurance

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a. Health Insurance
Overall health protection insurance provides peace for you and your family. With AXA Insurance, you can get access to the hospital network of our partners around the world, with complete protection both for outpatient and inpatient care at no extra cost.

b. Life insurance
Whole life protection with maximum benefit for you and your family. Get total protection for you and your family from financial loss on risks to life and your future. AXA Life Insurance Indonesia gave 100% to 200% of the sum insured for any occurrence of illness or accident causing the risk of death.

c. insurance Investment
Manage risks and optimize your investments according to your needs. Indonesia AXA Investment products provide solutions for the future protection for you and your family. Designed to realize your wishes in preparing the cost of education for your children, pension costs, and your family heritage, AXA provides a wide selection of investment types of mutual fund products according to your needs. The funds will be managed by professional fund managers so as to provide optimal return on investment.

d. General insurance
Insurance business with comprehensive protection plan for managing the various risks facing your business. AXA Insurance helps you to provide complete protection from a variety of risks with the restitution and the cost of medical treatment and traditional. You also can create your comfort and your family during a vacation with perjalaan insurance from AXA.

2. Business Insurance

a. Health Insurance
Protection solutions comprehensive health insurance for your employees. AXA Indonesia health insurance packages provide comprehensive health insurance protection for your business and your employees. Our products can be tailored to the needs of companies, ranging from SMEs to large enterprises to multinational corporations.

b. Life Insurance / Protection
Protection of reliable financial insurance for the business that you have. AXA offers a variety of commercial insurance needs of various sizes and types of businesses. Starting from micro-enterprises, SMEs up to large companies, AXA has answered the risks faced by them and provide appropriate insurance solutions to manage risks effectively.

c. insurance Investment
Insurance for optimal asset management business with the appropriate type of investment you choose for your business. Indonesia AXA Investment products provide investment options according to your needs and your business. AXA Indonesia provides a wide selection of types of investments with asset management in accordance with the risk profile chosen you and your company.

d. General insurance
Insurance business with comprehensive protection plan for managing the various risks facing your business. suransi AXA helps you to provide complete protection from a variety of risks with the restitution and the cost of medical treatment and traditional.

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