Let's Make Insurance as Part of Your Lifestyle
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Let's Make Insurance as Part of Your Lifestyle |
Although it was introduced long ago but the number of people who already have insurance in Indonesia is still very minimal. Though insurance is very important that its benefits are to transfer risks. Insurance is important to shift the risks that might happen to us. For example a person becomes head of the family who has a wife and children. As the backbone of the family, she obviously need to have life insurance. Thus, if there is a disaster that is fatal, such as death or disability, the family could get insurance money (cash compensation) of the insurance company.
Insurance money can be used as capital to continue living as it can dimnafaatkan for example to open a business or capital invested / deposited. Similarly, if we have a motor vehicle. The risk of accidents on the road are also constantly confront us. Without insurance, the arrival of an unexpected accident, really could deplete the savings that we have. Operating costs in the hospital if it occurs eg surgery because of an accident. Just imagine eg exposed to accidents and bleeding in the brain. Need to be in operation in the head.
Not imagine how much cost that must be incurred. Because of this it comes lives, surely you are not going to a lot of thinking again. The hospital also will certainly ask how much you pay. In a like this you already like seeekor oxen cokok nose. Anyway ordered to pay how much you pay wrote it definitely was. Instead of lives have been lost? Choose where to try.
But if we have asurnasi which cover risks of accidents, we do not need to worry because when disaster comes, the insurance company will bear the cost for us to be hospitalized including any surgery. The cost of treatment will not puzzle us at all. Approximately what you think of when you offered to have insurance? What is there in your mind is a product of protection / protection or something that is difficult to put forward his claim? For some people who already have insurance today, asurnasi already they realize as a means to anticipate the arrival of unexpected risks.
And strange magic bin, most of which are already aware of this risk and take the initiative to have insurance average is the upper middle class compared to the middle to bottom. In fact, when compared to the ability to survive when slammed unfortunate, of course, the lower middle class people are more at risk. Just imagine when there is one family member affected by critical illness eg, of course, they must find more money to treat the disease. For example, the child is exposed to critical illness, is it possible the old man would stand by and let go to let the child be resigned to waiting for fate and passively wait for his death?
Or if exposed to critical illness such as cancer and other diseases pemamtikan is a partner, if possible spouse (husband or wife) would be willing to allow his partner to suffer without doing anything to be able to help him? For people who fit fitting its economy's, of course, this is a nightmare. To whom they can call for help. The house was still leasing, private vehicles not there, anywhere where public transport. Another asset of another is not too much. Perhaps possessed only the gold jewelry that are used in everyday situations such as Kaung wife, rings, bracelets, etc. If contact with critically ill, how?
What could be mortgaged to be exchanged into cash? Because at the time of critical illness, the most important if you have cash on hand. And the severity of the cash required it must be in large numbers anyway. Unlike the people that his economic passable. When one family member affected by a critical illness, they are still there are homes that can be sold (if the house is the property itself) or vehicles that can be sold (if the vehicle is also its own). Or it could be they also have other assets such as land or a house in another location that was originally purchased for investment. So at any time, for example when need money in an emergency, they can sell the assets to be exchanged into cash.
Well most people who have literacy insurance and insurance considers important that already have insurance today are the people that its economy passable. Why is that so? Just weird. Whereas in the arrival time of the disaster, they still have a bumper shield such assets as their assets. If the economically under? No bumper at all. When the disaster came, not anyone can help. But even that did not have a bumper does not have insurance and insurance is not considered important.
Well this is an emergency. This could result in people who are poor, it can be even poorer. Melepasmu, the money is not there. Once exposed to critical illness, do you need the money. So borrowed here and there even to borrow money to loan sharks and charged higher interest rates. Ultimately unable to pay. It's called already falling down stairs then ketiban paint again. Has no money, the balance of 0 in savings, plus more for debt, its balance is no longer 0 but minus.
If examined more deeply, why the economy is bad, even want insurance? The reason is not because they can afford the premium. But because they really understand the benefits of insurance. At the time of the disaster approached them, they were not willing and not willing mortgaging assets they have accumulated with their toil. They are aware, if you rely only assets, will not be enough. Exposed to critical illness such as cancer treatment that costs quite a bit. Savings can be sold, even assets and property owned can spout all just to pay the cost of treatment. Assets such as land and house was moreover not a liquid asset. So it can not be sold quickly to be used as cash. Could you quick sale but selling cheap, at below market prices. Do you want to sell loss? Certainly do not want it.
That's why these people clever. They are aware, the disaster could come at any time, all the people at risk of critical illness. Rather than guessing guessing who is going to get, and whether it will hit and when going to get, mending buy insurance only. Anyway the if you have insurance, if a family member there is a critical illness (with records of all members of the family have had insurance), the insurance company will give you a cash ranging from hundreds of millions to billions are directly transferred to a personal savings account the person's where will this money could be used for medical expenses. So they do not need to pledge assets.
Has been hit by disaster, instead of its assets may be cash increased due to billions of Allianz. Is contrary to those who do not have insurance earlier. Once hit by disaster, its assets diminishing, so minus for debt here and there. Therefore let's make insurance as part of your lifestyle. No matter you are rich or poor, early start is insured. If your funds are limited, you can take a cheap premium. If you have any excess funds, it would not hurt you to take a rather high premium so that the benefits provided will also high.
Do not be like some people who refused insurance because they thought that insurance is a financial product that is complicated and costly. These people think that buying an insurance policy is tantamount to throw waste of money. Already items purchased unseen (invisible physical), the results also can not be enjoyed right away. As a result, insurers are not considered important. Insurance has not become part of the lifestyle of the people of Indonesia. Unlike in developed countries such as Singapore and Japan, where one person can have more than one insurance policy. No wonder if the people there can have 5 to 6 insurance policy of the person. If in Indonesia? Boro boro had 6. There are still many who have not even had an insurance policy altogether.
Awareness of the new risk management owned by few people. In the company, asset and risk factors that would happen to the company will be insured for protection. But even for personal and family, protection of self and family is as overlooked and may not be done