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Big Island of Hawaii

Big Island of Hawaii
Big Island of Hawaii
On the large island of Hawaii you will find diversity in geography from beaches to volcanoes. You will find miles of undeveloped land and bustling city development in cities like Kailua-Kona. Hilo, which is located on the windy side of the island, gets a lot of rainfall. This contributes to the lush green landscape on this side of the island making Hilo an interesting sight and must be seen in the destination list.

Most people start their journey on the big island of Kona. You should plan to take a few days to relax and enjoy the beaches nearby, or maybe snorkel in Kealakekuea Bay. Next you need to take the time to explore the Hawaii Volcano National Park. This must be seen on the list. The garden is amazing to say the least. If you have a lot of time, you can camp in the park and really explore. The park has more than 140 miles of hiking trails and is very spectacular. If you are short on time, you should still drive past the park.

There is a stretch of Highway 137 dubbed Jalan Merah which is also worth a visit. There is a canopy of Milo and Hala trees which are interconnected to form a kind of tunnel effect.

You also have to plan to spend time in Hilo. The lush landscape creates beautiful scenery and shooting opportunities. Hilo has been called the rainiest city in the US, so don't expect much in the way of the coast. But Hilo is a cute little town; however, it offers some history and culture complete with Bed and Breakfast.

There is a quiet little town called Puako located on South Kohalo Beach which is home to an extraordinary tidal pool. This can be accessed via highway 19 near Hapuna Beach State Park. Giant tidal pools are home to several marine life including coral reefs which make this destination a must visit. However, don't plan to stay in Puako, a small town that doesn't have lodging and is really remote.

Who would have thought riding a horse would be a list of activities for a Hawaii vacation? There is actually a large farm called Dahana Ranch Roughriders on Waimea. Owned and operated by a native Hawaiian family and is still a working cattle farm. Farms raise and breed, and train livestock and horses. There are also some very good cycling opportunities on Waimea because the terrain is full of hills.

Before checking out and leaving the island, stop at the Pololu Valley which will offer several hiking trails. You can even ride a donkey across the valley. Finally, you should spend more time relaxing on the white sand beach on the big island. Or maybe, take one last chance to snorkel in Kauna'oa Bay. Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure your visit in Hawaii will be amazing.

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